Monday, November 12, 2007

Third Times a Charm

Yes, this is my third Monday in a row that I've dragged my sorry behind into work and tried to be productive. But The 4AM wake-up is a bitch! Although I am getting used to it, in some sick demented way. bizarre is that.

Props to Witold for showing me all these different blog sites, might look into moving my little slice ofthe Interweb over there, but no worries, will let ya'll know what I'm up to. what did I DO all weekend...well, hung out with Mr. & Mrs. Andrew (Rich's folks). Good times. They came down to visit for the weekend (thanks for makin' the trek guys!) We ate, drank and were merry. AND we even hit up the TSO for a concert and visited George's old classmate - from the "Old Country" (Scotland) in London (ON...of course! It's funny doing that distinction here in NY...people just kind of look at you weird. Anyway, the peeps were super nice and we had a great lunch in Jolly London Town (and a nice 4 hour round trip in the car, weeee).

When we got home we were so rev'ed by all the tunes on the radio (not really, but makes for a good segue) we felt the need to ROCK OUT with some Guitar Hero! Hellls Ya!!! It's truly a game that bridges generations. Perhaps GH is the solution to all the world's problems. Mr. Pakistan...pick up a Fender and play a little Guns n' Roses, I promise it'll make ya feel much better!

George Givin' Er. Notice Happy in the background. He's playing the game too...with his LASER EYES!)

Honestly, that's the weekend in a nutshell. Nothing too much more on the go. This week...more good times. Workin' with Ms.CiCi (awesome) on some Six Flags (double awesome) so life is good!

More chats later, thanks for cutting me some slack. A lame post, but it's a Trans-Border your patience is appreciated!

Cheers All,

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