Monday, December 3, 2007

Gettin' Flagged

Yep, workin' like a goof! Was even here till 11PM on my birthday (good thing I got all my celebratin' out during YanksGiving!) SO yeah, I apologize dear reader, but this post is going to be more of a visual homage to the weekend that was (which was AWESOME!) How's this...we'll have the blog's first interactive post. I'll uploadd the photos and YOU guess the events. Weeee

Bid'ness - tomorrow Jess is in town visiting till Monday AM! (that'll make it 3 early morning wake-up calls in a row, at least I can always go back to bed. Phew!) Me and Mondays...we certainly do have a unique relationship. Oh and I've inherited some weirdo who likes to hit my buzzer at 3AM. I was convinced he was going to kill me the first time ("Is that a police radio I hear...OMG, is that a HATCHET??) But thankfully, it was only my insane imagination.

So...the weekend in pictures (just think of it as the New York Times a la Lisa photospread!)
More tomorrow,


1 comment:

Silk E. Fyne said...

You are a loser. Sean says your handbag looks like a dead chicken, but in the best of ways. Love ya