Friday, July 18, 2008

Can't Play Their Reindeer Games

Howdy Folks,

Yes, yes…another horrifically late post. But I’m afraid it’s going to be a little bit nutty for the next few weeks. You see, I don’t have a computer at home (and lugging this work one is oh so tiresome) so I’ll just have to sneak away when I get a chance and write a wee posty when I can.

Actually…was thinking of using my BlackBerry (necessary product placement). To update as I truck through the city. Sad part is, I haven’t quite figured out (or if I can) post pictures to my write-ups from my “GoogleBerry” (a new beta testing product placement) but will work on that. Hey, at least you’ll get words? That’s better than nothing!

So…what have I been up to? Well, work. LOTS of it! But now we’re in the blissful waiting period. I know, it sounds kinda weird, but in my biz, you do a crap load of work…present it to the client. They (hopefully) they fall in love with it and then tell you which one they picked (or more often then not) pick part from column A and a little from column B. Either way, you just want to sell sell sell!

Alas my thoughts of work have turned slightly sound. You see, I was NOT going to write about this today…but now I’ve had to hear the third person say “OMG last night was SOOOOOOOOOO awesome!” I just can’t take IT anymore!!! What is it I speak of? Oh…that would be the big DRINK FEST that happened last night that I WASN’T INVITED TO!!!! WTF!??!?!?!

Now…I don’t know for a fact what happened, or who’s little shindig it was. BUT, if my paranoia is correct…it was yet AGAIN another ACD fun party. You see, the Associate Creative Directors where I work all get together for drinks and live it up. Hmmm, meanwhile the REST of us are left to listen to the aftermath of their drunken frivolities the morning after. Uugghhh. What stings even MORE is that in my OLD job (miss you Toronto) there was NONE of that shit (or at least not that I knew about) we all hung out. CD/ACD/Head Janitorial staff…it didn’t matter. It wasn’t about titles and B.S. it was just a group of people hanging out socially and getting to know each other outside of the office. But…like I’ve said before…we ain’t in Kanas anymore.


Ventation….complete! Onto the weekend at hand (thank GOD for that!!!)

Rich and I are off to go surfing! Wooohooo! Heading to Long Beach for some lessons. Who knows is the waves will be any good (hell, who cares) spending the day out on the water is good enough for me! I’m really hoping that it’s as fun as surfing in Hawaii (ok maybe not as EPIC as far as water conditions go, but moderate fun would be cool). Perhaps this will be our summer fun sport of choice, therefore making the death months of a Manhattan summer (specifically July and August or as I like to refer to them as Sweaty and Sweatier!) all the more enjoyable.

Right oh, off to daydream of my weekend of awesomeness. More mobile posts coming soon. Thanks for your patience. Just think, in the next few weeks (months) we should have all our stuff FINALLY moved from Toronto (including our computer) and then I can write till my fingers bleed. Joy!

Happy Weekend All…

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