Wednesday, October 24, 2007

My music at work THAT'S how to see a rock show. Went to see the Tragically Hip at the Manhattan Ballroom last night and there were MAYBE 500 people there, TOPS! Obviously that's the entire populations of Canadians currently living in NY and the surrounding areas. Too funny. It was like being invited to see a show in someone's basement or being in a school gymwatching the the "popular" kids play in an airband competition. Too bizarre.
Also bizarre was who I ended up going with. Out of the blue my "cousin" (o.k. he's my cousin's, husbands, brother...that's geneology math that I can't do, so let's just call him a cousin and be done with it). Norm and his girlfriend Sarah are currently in NYC. SO COOL! Norm called me around 11:00, asked what I was up to that night, by 4:00 I had two more tickets for them and by 9:00 we were rockin' out Hip style! Here are some pics from the show. Alas, I don't have some super slick camera, but I can assure you I was no further than 8 feet from the stage (maybe even 5) so saw everything perfectly. So much fun. If you wanna see a major Canadian band, just follow them on tour through the States!
The crowd. Seriously...that's it. (gotta love the Canucks fan eh?!)_
Great show, such a blast. Joel Plaskett Emergency opened and were also great. So yeah, will be tough to top that night! What adventures lie ahead today? Well, Spanish (ola) class tonight, then French tomorrow morning (yit's my mid week languages fest!) Toronto this weekend, can you believe I haven't been back since I got my visa (for Ogilvy). Start sending out the good vibes now that they don't @#$%^&Y* at the border again!

Talk soon, man, I need another coffee.

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