Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Can you feel it?

P.S. 50 seconds in is where it really starts to kick ass!! HeBen (thanks)

My favourite part is when Michael opens up his hands and all that glittery crap comes out. Ahhh, MJ…why does it hurt so bad to love you? Side note – I was/am (it’s tough to say, the Michael of today isn’t the boy I feel in love with all those years ago) a HUGE Michael Jackson fan. As a kid I had a MASSIVE poster of him from the Billie Jean video over my bed. I had the glove, a sweat suit skirt thing that looks like his red leather get up from the Thriller video (it was the 80’s nuff’ said) Oh and somewhere Dad found the Thriller video (on VHS of course) including behind the scenes making of footage. WOW…I nearly died. And of COURSE the albums, tapes (which I rubbed all the writing off of since I listened to it so much). You get the picture…but onto the post at hand.

Something is in the air. And I’m not just talking about the ordinary funky smells here in NY, this is HUGE. YanksGiving is just around the corner and the city couldn’t be more pumped…or agitated or spazzy. Yep, all the joys of the season are palpable. The best part is I get to enjoy the full Yankee Citizen experience when I fly home tomorrow. Ahhh, good times. The delays, the crying children, the crowded airports. Just when you think your day couldn’t get any worse, think of me festering for at Newark for 4 hours, praying to the Gods of Air Traffic Control. My only saving grace is that I got my ticket on points and it’s Business Class. WooHoo!! Lisa 1. YanksGiving Hell 0 (so far). This way I can eat sweaty cheese in the lounge and drink crappy wine. Umm, just like a Public Library mixer. Lovely!

But before the fun begins I’m off to get my hair did. Gotta look good for the anti-holiday n’est pas? Plus, it’s my birthday coming up (it’s no biggie, I’m trying to keep it rather low-fi). I suppose that’s the only thing we’re celebrating this weekend (driving up to the O-town on Thursday for some family fun – which has now been translated into Guitar Hero time. AWESOME!)

Actually…here’s a pic of my sister raiding my “give away clothes pile” and rockin’ out Hulk Hogan style. Brings a tear to my eye…my budding prodigy.
Before I forget peep the pic, so you can properly evaluate tomorrow’s style. The before (extra crappy so the after will look extra wicked!) Tomorrow the magic.Till then, Happy Tuesday.

1 comment:

Silk E. Fyne said...

Not only was the writing on the Thriller tape worn off but we wore out the actual tape so when you tried to listen to it sounded super slow and warped. Can You Feel It, totally slept on. On of the greatest Jackson's songs ever!