Wednesday, November 7, 2007

The week just ain't gettin' better

Sorry ya'll. Bad day, got the "here's how your doing talk" which is generally NEVER a bad thing. The good old "sandwich" method of compliments. You're good because you show up everyday, HOWEVER bad bad bad bad, BUT we're confident that you won't be such a douche in the future. Keep up the good work.


So not exactly zippy today (and the "formal" review is tomorrow. God I can only imagine). Ok so I'm being a WEE bit dramatic (it really wasn't THAT bad) but I do take things rather personally (especially when you're trying hard to impress). Just have to work EVEN harder (Saints preserve us!) cheer us all up I'm going to post a fun little video. Think I might make this a little sidebar section on the blog. What I'm watching. Since you're guaranteed I'm pretty much always watching something. we go (Lisa's first embedded video!)

Have a good one. More later, when I'm in a better mood. Sorry.
Lisa C


Anonymous said...

Sorry Lisa, cheer up. Hopefully the formal review won't be as bad as the informal one. And we know you rock as a writer.

Anonymous said...

this is hilarious.... we had a similar situation last week at the office. Everyone was ready to quit. But since I'm a temp I don't care and just laughed. Hey people it's just a job, walk away ! life will go on beyond it ...

in England