Monday, January 28, 2008

Back in Black

OK that’s not supposed to be morose black, depression, sorrow kind of Bn’B…more like the AC/DC, kick ass, rock out, high-kick till you rip your pants, kind of back.

I’m in a much better place than last week. Don’t get me wrong…things are still FUBAR’d, but they’re working out. We’ve got some good direction coming from our pal Mr.GoodAdvice and I just came off a very relaxing weekend back in the O-town with the fam. (Hi Guys…thanks again. SO WICKED!)

PLUS, Mr. W at the Big O has been über helpful in the sitting down and listening department. Thanks “Dubya” appreciate the concern and the time.

So…what’s going on? Well, I’m thinking of getting back in the “Course Craziness” (to all those new to my life, I’m a bit of a lessons hog. I like new things. I like learning. I like being busy. So new+learn+busy=COURSES!!! I have my eye on a writing course, but feel a wee bit intimidated by the whole “writing in New York thing” (although Cici-my work partner-assures me that there are only 17 people who are actually born and raised in NYC, so if anyone did give me attitude in these classes they’d be some posers from the Mid-West.) Phew.

I also want to do a Masters. OK, not exactly the same as a pottery class, but something that’s always been in the back of my mind. I think I might have found the ideal one. I’ll start a donation section soon (you’ll understand once you take a look at the tuition. In Euros that’s Baaaaling!).

Anyhow, life is getting better. Thank you all for your concern. Hopefully the weeks will be progressively be less dramatic then they have been, believe me I don’t like writing about it any more than you like hearing it!

Happy Monday everyone. Let’s make this the best week ever!

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