Wednesday, January 30, 2008

OMG When will it end???

Seriously? Something has got to be done with this month. Can we not shorten it, just by a day or two? I’m sure no one will miss it! (apologies to anyone whose birthday is today or tomorrow).

I’m guessing in Latin, January means “Try not to throw yourself out of a window.” I’m no expert, but I could have sworn I read that somewhere.

A very wise man (aka Rico) told me that no major decisions should be made from January to mid-February. So if this applies to you, please heed his sage advice. Like yesterday, should I slit my wrist with a butter knife or not? That’s a major decision…wait till mid-February.

Fine. Life’s not that bad. But I’m not gonna lie…I do have a major case of the saddies. Maybe I need some sun? Some Hawaii? Don’t know. But knowing that Rich is coming down NEXT weekend certainly helps. Don’t get it twisted. I like going home…but three weekends in a row, makes my head hurt and my body ache. 4:30AM ain’t pretty and takes a long time to get over – especially when you’re working till 9:00PM every night. Ick.

But I digress…(or should I say vent?)

In Chuckwood News - Pops is seeing a doc next week in his quest to become one-step closer to a super hero (this is the way I’m going to now refer to the radiation treatment he’s investigating). I mean no disrespect. It actually scares the crap out of me, so I much prefer the idea of my dad transforming into a super hero than some frightening medical procedure. It’ll be just like X-Men (is that how that worked?). Cause if you don’t already know my Dad, he’s already a pretty amazing person – totally worthy of super-hero awesomeness!

Honestly…he’d be a wicked super hero. He always helps people out (home repairs, car tweaks, general McGuiver type moves). All he’s missing is a name. Well, he technically already has one – Johnny Upgrade (since that’s one of his fav things to do, buy stuff, then buy better stuff shortly after he’s bought the original ok stuff). Maybe he could upgrade things with a single touch? Perhaps I’ll have to contract Tom McFarland to sketch something out? Riding his John Deere riding tractor, Dad will swoop in and save the citizens of O-town from buying the sad, “low-rent” versions of items and instantly upgrade it for them. COOL!

Now all we need is an outfit. Don’t worry…no spandex!

Keep your chin up ya’ll. Only 24 hours left in this cruel joke that is January!

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