Friday, October 19, 2007

The way we were

Not that I should be starting this morning's post with laments for yester year, but it occured to me a whole heck of a lot has changed. Perhaps it's the notion of toasting my first wedding anniversary (hey, it still counts, even if we only lived under the same roof for 6 months!) but when you step back and think about it...our little wee world has gone topsy turvey (and by world I mean the one I live and work in...sorry, but by the very nature of this blog I can't help it if my thoughts are a wee bit navel gazing. Observe...

- I got married
- I got a new job
- I moved to NY

While all this mentalness is happening...

- A whole bunch of Big O in TO peeps leave (yes, my new nickname for Ogilvy Toronto)
- Just found out my old friend at BBDO is leaving
- One friend had a baby
- One is GOING to have one...
- One loses her Mom
- Some buy houses
- Some divorce husbands

It's a crazy zanny world...which leads me to my next notion. Since I am here, and I consider my time somewhat of an experiement in living/working in this bizarre metropolis. I think...I'm going to visit an ANALYST!

It's quite the NY phenomenon, people go to these "professional listeners" and talk about their problems. As much as I know about it (which is quite little) they have no REAL doctor training (so I can't score any crazy hallucinagenics) but I can bitch about everything and anything. CRAZY!

What brought on this completely self-serving idea...well, I get benefits here at Big O NY, so why not use and abuse them to the best of my ability. So...experiment NO. 14...Get an Analyst!


Weekend Wrap up
It's anniversary fest 07 (well...1st so "technically" 1, but it's in you understand the confusion). Anyway, Rico shows up tonight (if the weather doesn't completely hose him) and we'll have fun fun fun till my Analyst tells me I'm emotionally dependent (at least I think that's how the song goes?)

Have a great weekend with you on Monday!
Lisa C

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A whole lot has changed 'round here, you are right on that baby! But as usual, sounds like you are living life to the fullest in NYC which is what it's all about right - analyst and all! Enjoy the anniversary weekend!