Friday, January 4, 2008

Back in the saddle again...

Howdy! My it’s been a while. I hope you all had a fantastic holiday and a fabulous New Year. My travels and adventures are too numerous to mention. Toronto, Ottawa, Edmonton and beyond – yes, the holidays were a whirlwind, but now it’s time to get back into the swing of things.

I won’t lie…it was mighty tough comin’ back to the Big Apple yesterday. I love my job and really like the city…but spending the night in my house in the T-dot, listening to my dear doggy snore away happily, playing Guitar Hero with the husband I barely get to see…sniff sniff…t’was a tough reality to swallow.

But ya know, sometimes life has a funny way of working out. Allow me to explain.

My sister was in town for New Years (NY town) and stayed in my apartment with her friend Kathy-Ann (a soon to be NY resident). Good times are had by all UNTIL Jan.1 when, my sister realizes (at 5AM) that she’s lost the key to my pad and can’t get back in (shit). So, she decides to change the locks (which I now realize is the scam of the century…she didn’t show ID or ANYTHING. I’m just waiting for this to turn into the new crime of choice. No more B&E, just change the locks of the apartment of your fancy and take what you like!)

Naturally the key I was currently holding had been rendered redundant. So Amie had to change her flight so I could meet up with her (all this happening while I had to do the same thing in Ottawa due to Stormfest 08). But there’s a point of my wee little ramble (and it’s not to point any “key-losing fingers”).

It’s to show how the universe KNEW I’d be crazy sad and need a little company (family company is even better) so that’s why Amie lost the key, changed her flight AND is spending the weekend with me. Uncanny!

What have we been up to you ask? Well, it’s only been 24 hours but so far we’ve taken an exciting stroll over to Whole Foods (but aren’t they all trips into culinary adventure?) Watched bad reality TV (seriously, CELEBRITY APPRENTICE? Who do I have to beg to bring the Hollywood writers back?) and Amie performed a little “craper CPR.”


Apparently the toilet was feeling a little backed up, and of course I didn’t have a plunger (that would be far too convenient). So Amie pulled a full on McGuiver move and did a “hand plunge” on the throne. Impressive! Now we have a working toilet and Amie is officially the next Bob Villa of New York City!

Tonight – not too sure what we’re up to, maybe see Juno (my friend Robin said the girl reminded her of me…hmmm, should I be worried?) Or some other NY fun.

Have a great weekend ya’ll. Will be back to my regularly scheduled blogging next week. Monday to Friday (or at least close to it).

In the meantime, have fun breaking those New Years Resolutions. Hey…you’ve stuck with it for at LEAST a week, I think that’s more than enough!



Anonymous said...

Yes. Go see Juno. I just told all the peeps at the shop here at home how much Juno reminds me of you. Well, you if I had known you at 16, execpt now, and knocked up. um. well anyway, go see it.

jted said...

That is so funny. I was just telling someone how Ellen Page's character in Juno reminded me of you, Lisa. You both talk in a similar manner. ;-)