Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Cha Ching. Sounds like Christmas!

Now that was mental. I just got back from my final Christmas shopping trip down Fifth Ave. Sweet Jebus…it’s CRAZY out there! They’re not just crowds of peeps…they’re swarms! And they don’t move independently, they flow together. So if you’re going in the opposite direction you need to make like a salmon and start swimming upstream. Exhausting!

Good news, all my shopping is done. Now just gotta figure out how I can smuggle import this stuff across the border. At least they’re Canadian customs guys. I always feel a bit more comfortable when I’m “homeward bound.” Not that the Yankee Guys are all that difficult (I mean, they only refused my visa once, deported me, frisk me every time I cross and give me the stinky eye every now and again). Really, we’re best pals!

To all of you who haven’t finished your shopping yet. No need to stress…there’s plenty of time before the 25th and I’m here to help.

LisaC’s list of Christmas Kickass!

Now we all have that completely impossible person on our lists (Dad). So if you’re still stuck with what the buy them, here’s an idea that’ll be exciting when you open it and (depending on metabolism) a few days later. Edible gold. Why? Because it passes right through you and makes your poop sparkly. Honestly, do you need a better reason? BUY NOW

For the political freak on your list (US that is) give them the gift that every Republican or Democrat has on their list – a Bush or Hillary toilet brush. Good clean, dirty fun…or something like that. BUY NOW

Ok this next one...I just REALLY want. Rock Band. If you don't know, you DON'T KNOW! File this one under awesome! BUY NOW

Have a great holiday ya'll. Tomorrow, last official work day (for me at least) of 2007. Bring on da holidays!!!


Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Oh the weather outside is bitchin'

What’s shakin’ bacon? It’s a beauty day here in the 212. Sun is shining, weather is brisk and I’m going to a party tonight. Booooya! My friend Sarah is having a wee birthday do in Koreatown (she’s Korean). Which means I get to eat some kick-ass food…and have some authentic peeps educate me on what it is. Yes! Bring on the soju.

Only 2 more days till home time. WooHoo! I know blog posts are somewhat daily (ok, every two days) but this is your warning that they’ll be even CRAPPIER during the holidays. And for me…those holidays start this FRIDAY!!!


What else…umm, NY is mental with Christmas fever. People are crazier than ever with a glazed state of consumerism in their eyes (or I should say, more than usual). I’m so scared of Fifth Avenue. It’s a mad house down there. I went at lunch the other day and nearly lost an arm. Yikes! My personal favourite is watching people WAIT IN LINE to enter stores. Ser iously? Did we just get into a time machine into Russia 1945? WTF?!?!?

Happy (early) holidays everyone. More tomorrow and HOPEFULLY a wee little posty on Thursday (that night is the Big O holiday party. WooHoo!! Can’t wait…never been to a NY office party. Man, I can only imagine!)

- Went to the MET and bought memberships (we thought we were so clever buying the out of town membership, saved some dough AND get to go a bunch). Yes, jokes on us…admission ISN’T $20…that’s just the suggested DONATION. Boob is me! (or rather, I prefer to be a patron of the arts…yeah, that’s it!)
- Walked around (again). That seems to be our M.O. most weekends (oh yeah, Rico was in town). I swear if you calculated the miles we’ve logged since I moved here we’ve walked around this island five times…at least!
- Saturday – I’m sure I did something fun…just can’t remember what it was (see, it was THAT good)
- Sunday, see above.
- Monday – whatever…it’s Monday and I’m lowered to watching the most tragic reality show ever…it’s so bad I’m too embarassed to even mention the name of it. Post your guesses in the comment section. Hey, TV is my friend…I can’t stay mad at him!

Bring on da holidaze!

Friday, December 14, 2007

Should I be worried?

One of the greatest things about living in the 212 is laundry – specifically having other people do it for you. Seriously. Just bring your skivies to the laundry matt (or if you’re REALLY lazy someone can come pick it up for you) they wash, fold and give it right back. Fabric softener, hang dry, low heat, warm wash…whatever tickles your towels, they’ll do it for you happily.

Here lies my issue. I picked up my laundry last night. (being a wee bit neurotic I make laundry time slightly more complicated. I frequent one place for cold water wash and another for warm as I’m convinced the warm place does everything on scalding since everything I get back is always shrunk. Not a move for pants – since the first time it happened I thought I was going to have to go on some horrible fad diet and seek emotional counseling for my dramatic weight gain. Not cute!)

But I digress. Last night was “cold place” clothes. Now, they have a policy that all your items are laundered by themselves and not “shared” with other peeps. NATURALLY, you can imagine my surprise when I found SOMEONE ELSES undies mixed in with my unmentionables. Specifically it was a rogue sock and some other chick’s underwear (relax, it’s all clean). But still…what the hell do I do now? Return the errand items back to the laundry matt? Hold onto them? Throw them out? How was this not made it into a Seinfeld episode?

Thoughts? Suggestions…please add a comment.

Tonight, Ricko is in town (yippee) and we have NOTHING planned (double yippee). Looking forward to spending a relaxing weekend together (2 weeks apart is not good for the soul).

Hope your weekend is just as enjoyable.
Stay warm and we’ll chat on Monday.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Through sleet and snow...

My first Nor’easter is hitting the big apple this weekend. Très exciting. It’s not “officially” here, but we’re being pummeled by some freezing rain right now as I type, so even a walk to the corner store is an epic journey. Ahhh, feels just like Ottawa at Christmas time!

More fun…I’m being indirectly forced to listen to Josh Groban’s new Christmas Album here at work.Dear Santa. All I want for Christmas is a huge power surge to fry a certain computer’s mother board at a certain person’s desk. Oh and an iPod nano. That’s all. Thanks, LisaC

Suppose I should get into the spirit of the seaso n. But seriously…Josh Groban? Isn’t there some cool Christmas music out there (oh wait, that’s an oxymoron). Although one year my Dad gave me this cool Elvis jukebox Christmas ornament that sang two different Elvis holiday tracks. Now THAT’S how you get into the festive mood. It’s awesome…now he uses it to bug his employees over the PA system and force some Christmas cheer. So wicked!!! xoxo Dad.

Onto the drama that is my leg. Went to the doctor today (was an epic journey, see above). Good news, I’m not dying. Bad news, it’s weird that my hip is hurting me (someone at my young age – bless her for saying that – shouldn’t be experiencing hip pain). She did this funky move called the Pepper Grinder (sounds like something I should be bustin’ out on the dance floor). So now Rich has to do this “test” on me. (You think YOU have exciting foreplay!) If it’s still messed in the New Year, I get to meet a New York Orthopedist. WooHoo!

TV…yep, ANTM finale (whatever, I wanted Blondie to win, but Tulip head is cool too – ANTM fans…you know what I’m talking about). And Project Runway ruled…as always! Peace out Stephen!

Have a good Thursday night. Will attempt a walk to the gym (have to get back into that…yikes 2 weeks, I’m starting to look like a marshmallow). Maybe I can borrow that Josh Groban CD to help pump me up!


Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Boooo Internet

I was gonna put up this post yesterday, but just as I finished typing my Internet connection went the way of the dodo bird. Booooo. SO...apologies this is late (it TECHNICALLY isn't, but that's between me and my ISP!) hehehehe

Here it is...the day that was yesterday!

O.k. so I did it. I called my landlord. Breathe in. Breathe out. I’m freaking out cause my down the hall neighbour is convinced that MY neighbours are running a brothel out of their apartment. Ahhhhh. Of course this is me…Ms. Spazzy and the last thing I need is more fuel for the paranoid fire. Geez…Thankfully my landlord is on the case and he’s going to take care of things. Yippee!!! So if you don’t see a post for a few days…then please come by and check my place. I’ll probably be tied to a radiator, gagged and forced to watch Telemundo.

Onto happier topics. Jess was in town over the weekend. Good times. Went to my friend Hamilton’s birthday do on Friday, which lead to karaoke and you know what comes after that…a HUGE HANGOVER! Got home at 5:00AM. SERIOUSLY!? Was an awesome night, but I paid for it (perhaps a side effect of turning 30…no stamina).Me and Birthday Boy! (good times Hamilton...thanks!)

The rest of the weekend we ran around, shopped, chilled, shared conspiracy theories about my neighbours (thanks for being patient Jess) and shopped some more. All in all, a great visit. Thanks for droppin’ in sista!

Last night, more fun and merriment. There was a little get together for my team at the Big O. Very fun. So wicked to see the peeps you work with OUTSIDE of these crimson walls. Everyone had a blast. And there’s more fun to come. Tomorrow night, I get to booze with my account peeps (awesome) cause I don’t really know them very well. Ya gotta love social lubricant (dear God…I’m already regretting writing that word…why must it be so foul?!)Where we were supposed to go (a French Bavarian Bar called Rolf's. Apparently it looks like the insides of a Christmas tree...but this is how they do it up around "holiday" time). And're not having a seizure. Do NOT adjust your set!

Then next week is the company Christmas party – sure to be a hoot (no…seriously!) I’m looking forward to see how the Yanks do up the “festive holiday party.”

Not much more to tell. Will let you know if I wake up with a horses head or something (from my neighbours!)

Thoughts. Comments. Suggestions. Always open here at lisacinnyc.

Friday, December 7, 2007


Sweet...friday, funday, weekenday. I'm just a wee bit pumped! Yep, good times ahead. Off to an old Digitas' friend's Birthday drinks. Then Jess and I will get up to some merriment I'm sure.

Other than that, it's been typy, type, type so I plan to do lots of sleepy, sleep, sleep.

Have a great weekend all. More Monday!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Oh what a night

To say the least. Holy crap. So I wake up at 4AM with this WICKED pain in my leg and tingly, numbness down the entire limb – it’s bad enough that I can’t go back to sleep. Hmmm. Being a spaz I start thinking of all these horrible scenarios (blood clots that cause my entire leg to turn purple, having a stroke, heart attack…you name it). Did I mention I’m a spaz?

So…I deceide to take a wee trip to the emergency room. Jess is in town and was my fearless advisor (even offered to tag along…what a peach) but didn’t want to torture her with stinky homeless people and gun shot victims, so I did this one solo.

Tests, pokes, prods and 4 hours later I’m dismissed with a clean bill of health (and still a bum leg). No answers, but a prescription for Vicodin. Cool.

Have an appointment with my (now) doctor Thursday (yes, that’s a week away, oh well). So hopefully it’s nothing too major. Just feels super weird. You now when someone isn’t right, and you didn’t do anything odd (like bash your leg against the table). All armchair docs are welcome to report their diagnosis in the comments section.

In other news…Ms Willis is in town. Good to see her. I’m so glad she’s cool with “entertaining herself” since in the past two days she’s been here I’m either at work or the hospital.

Yes, work is mental. SUPER FUN but mental. Looks like it’s gonna be like this till the holiday break. Will only make the week off sweeter.

Hope you’re well. Thanks for being patient with my sporadic posting schedule. I’ll try for everyday, but as you can see…it’s a bit of an uphill battle.

Talk soon
Gimmpy aka LisaC

Monday, December 3, 2007

Gettin' Flagged

Yep, workin' like a goof! Was even here till 11PM on my birthday (good thing I got all my celebratin' out during YanksGiving!) SO yeah, I apologize dear reader, but this post is going to be more of a visual homage to the weekend that was (which was AWESOME!) How's this...we'll have the blog's first interactive post. I'll uploadd the photos and YOU guess the events. Weeee

Bid'ness - tomorrow Jess is in town visiting till Monday AM! (that'll make it 3 early morning wake-up calls in a row, at least I can always go back to bed. Phew!) Me and Mondays...we certainly do have a unique relationship. Oh and I've inherited some weirdo who likes to hit my buzzer at 3AM. I was convinced he was going to kill me the first time ("Is that a police radio I hear...OMG, is that a HATCHET??) But thankfully, it was only my insane imagination.

So...the weekend in pictures (just think of it as the New York Times a la Lisa photospread!)
More tomorrow,