Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Da Weekend Dat Waz

Hey All,
Holy cow...AWESOME! Mom was in town and we had nothing but good olde fashioned F.U.N. Thanks so much Mom for everything. Scored some new duds (I think I'll take inspiration for my spring work wardrobe from a fellow writer I work with - collared shirt, pants, shoes. How's that for simplicity?) Got some fun stuff for my pad (some puffy letters a "L & R" in fabric - the ones from Anthropology that are TOTALLY fun. Perhaps it's wishful thinking...L & R...together, under one roof...but more on that later!) And even a couple bucks to go and get my hair did (perhaps a sign that my hair REALLY needs a cut and colour, but I won't look a gift horse in the mouth!)

So...what'd be we. Well...we shopped, and shopped and then ate some food...no wait, then shopped some more. THEN saw the hockey game...and then capped off the perfect weekend with...more shopping! Hey, someone has to keep the New York economy humming and apparently that someone is Mummsy!

OMG, but the highlight of the weekend had to be when we went to a local bar (Third & Long) to watch the Habs game. Mom's isn't really the "bar" type. Not really too sure what Mother's are so seeing her in this alcohol infused atmosphere was a little bizarre. But I think my fav part was when she asked the bartender if they had "Cinzano?" Teehehehehe Awesome!

Had a ton of fun. Thanks again Mom! Can't wait for your next visit!!!

In other news - this Friday is bigger than normal...Rich has 7 interviews at Kraft here in NY! WoooHoo!!! OMG just the PROSPECT that we could be nearing the end of this little long distance adventure is enough to send shivers down my spine and make my knees weak. Man, there aren't enough words to describe my excitement. Now all he's gotta do is GET the job. Fingers crossed people - I'll need all the good vibes you've got this Friday. No holding back!!

Go Habs GO! It's 2-1 in the series for Philly, so we've got to pick up our socks...it's just plain EMBARASSING!

Talk soon...

Friday, April 25, 2008

MommyC in NYC

That's right, clean the apartment because MOM IS IN TOWN! I'm so pumped. Just the two of us bootin' around Manhattan, probably spending copious amounts of my Dad's dough (ahhh, the plight of having two daughters!) Good times I hope. Right now Mom is doing some dammage at Saks, I just hope she paces herself for the rest of the weekend - which yes, we have no plans. A low-fi kind of trip...that's how MommyC rolls!

In other news, someone make a spoofy SixFlags spot. SOOOOOOOOO funny! I've never worked on a campaign that's actually been big enough to even GET attention on YouTube. Check it out in the "What I'm Watching" section. And bring kleenex, you'll need to dry the tears you'll be laughing so hard. OMG!

Happy weekend everyone. Will regail you with tales of Mommy and Me adventures come Monday. Only 1 week to go before "Interview Fest 9000" (Rich has a big day next week - but I'll keep you insuspense till Monday, sorry...)


Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Montreal Won! Let's Break Shiz...

I never quite understood the need to riot after your team has WON?!! You lose, well...of course, it's only the natural thing to do (I'm using the mindset of an Edmonton Oilers fan here). But you won...and it was only the first round of playoffs. Hmmm, maybe it makes more sense to save up that aggressive energy just incase you need it later on? I mean, how many police cars can one trash in a given playoff series? Suppose we might find out.

Monday, April 21, 2008

I heart Porter

OMG...flew in this morning (yes, the horrible bags that are Monday am...and I'm not talking about my luggage). BUT it was a much more pleasant experience.

1. The plane was *gasp* ON TIME!
Seriously, that NEVER happens...ask any New Yorker, hell, any traveller going through the US, they'll stand in aww or accuse you of lying. Either way, you've got a story to tell.

2. They give you FOOD!
Pinch yourself people...this morning I got a little snack pack that contained yogurt, granola and a apple cinnamon turnover so loaded with sugar I could have run that prop plane myself. OH and at night, they give you free booze. Talk about flying the friendly skies! And no pathetic plastic cups either...glass (but of course sir) and a whole can or beer if you wish. Boooyah!

3. They're ACTUALLY nice!
Again, what I thought only existed in movies about flying (and usually those involve some horrible plane crash). Everyone was UBER friendly. From the "waitresses in the sky" to the service staff in Newark, awesome peeps.

4. The Lounge - RAD!
It was like chillin out in a biz'ness class lounge, without paying the biz'ness fair! Sweet. Free coffee, tea, juice, water, cookies, cakes...the list was endless. OH and don't forget the free wifi, use of their computers, papers, massages, being fanned with palm frawns (ok I made those last two up, but I swear someone would have ACTUALLY done it had I asked!)

Rejoice people...travelling is not dead, it just moved to the Toronto Island Airport. Thank you Mr. Porter for bring civility and affordability back to the airline industry. Now everyone book your ticket - when a deal is this good it's either a dream, or on the brink of bankruptcy!

Hurry - BUY NOW!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

America – land of the free, home of some WAY cooler food

There are loads of great things Canada has to offer – endless kilometers of untouched natural beauty, a culturally diverse tapestry and clearly defined money (hey, yesterday I tried to buy my $8 salad with what I thought was a $20 bill…it was a $1)

BUT there are some things that the citizens of the Great White North lack – COOL FOOD! When it comes to wicked, awesome processed stuff our neighbours to the South have it on lock down!
- Ding Dongs
- Twinkies
- HoHos
- SnoBalls
These are just a handful of the amazing food items that never came to Canadaland (at least not when I was a kid, I think NAFTA was brought in to help open the border to better highly processed foods.)

You can only imagine what my trips to the grocery store are like. They usually take twice as long (although, I’ve never been the most efficient shopper…hey, I work in advertising, SHOULDN’T I be compelled by all that pretty packaging?) So imagine my shock when I found this…
OMG! There aren’t words to describe the awesomeness. Art and Food, coming together to help you make your holiday table the best it can be. Hot damn that is just too much!!! Best part is, there are OTHER sculptures to mark various holidays like Thanksgiving (a turkey) and Christmas (a little tree). These pics were on the back of the package (sorry, forgot to take a pic – but don’t worry…that’ll be tomorrow’s update!)

However, in the interests of equal opportunity blogging, I’ll have to do a post where I celebrate uniquely Canadian food. Like the other day, I’m in a meeting and Mr. W brought “Pop’ems” (which are essentially Tim Horton’s Sour Cream timbits, but not HALF as good). He also brought some wicked Marzipan chocolates that I’ve been slowly eating all week when he’s not looking…sorry!

Anyway – what’s your US fantasy food? OR what’s your fav uniquely Canuck grub? Write a post in the comment section. I’ll see if I can bring back some of whatever you crave. OR take a picture of me eating your fav food and then you can just photoshop in your face. Or not…whatev.

Have a great Thursday. WooHoo, one more sleep till Rico in NY!
Viva Le Weekend!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

My New Obsession

Why do I find this SOOOOOOOO incredibly funny? Hmm, my new treat of the week I suppose. Sorry if you're unfamiliar with the above. Wikipedia has a very good entry on what it is to be "Rick Rolled" And Internet Nerdlings, I already know...I'm like, a million years too late talking about this (10 months if you want to be more exact) but I can't help myself...lately, it's become my new obsession. Now, to see how I can sneak it into a presentation. That would be the stuff of legend. GOLD Jerry!

What else, well...I'm still at work (11:40PM and counting) so forgive the typos and random conversation. The reasons for me being here are far too lengthy, nuff' said.

Last night "watched" (really ATE) my way through the NCAA playoffs (or what seemed to be a pretty big game?) Memphis vs. Kansas (or Elvis vs. Dorothy, which ever you prefer). I think Kansas won, but I was in a wee bit of a beer/meat coma to know. Went to Brother Jimmy's on the Upper East Side (pretty good ribs, and these insane fishbowls of booze and sugar juice - they're called Swamp Water so that should give you an ample visual picture). Was hangin' with my friends Sarah, Cory & Co. Good times.

Tomorrow night is the first NHL playoff game. Go Sens GO!!! There's a bar where a bunch of random Canadians are going to watch it (they're ACTUALLY going to play the CBC...kickass!) But not too sure I'll be up to it - I gotta get some sleep at some point! Plus, I'm not too sure I can take the mental anguish of watchin' my boyz get their asses handed to them by Pittsburg. Hmmm,

It's Spring in NY. Which means I gotta take some pics for ya'll. So pretty. Man, even Queens looked good last Friday!

Happy Wednesday. More random babblings tomorrow - or just incohesive sentences.


Wednesday, April 2, 2008


That's what I do! Yep, another day at the big O, chug chug chuggin' away. I wish I had something dramatic to tell you, but alas, it's just another working day. Doesn't really matter where you live in the world. Work is work - and here in NY we certainly seem to do a lot of it!

My friend B is headin' to another shop. She will be missed. We did orientation together, all good times. Snif snif, so gotta go spill a little Henny for my homies (or however you would say that!) So peace out. More babbles tomorrow.

Although I do feel a bit bad, since this is a rather weak post, so...to make up for my written short comings...I'll post this instead!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Another week back in the NY. How's yours going? Sorry, nothing awesome to report, so instead...let's do some housekeeping.

How's the stocks?
Funny you should ask. I'm a TOTAL Bull or Bear or whatever...ok, not really, but today is the first day in a LONG time that I'm seeing a whole lotta green - 7 Grand worth to be exact. WooHoo! If you'd like me to invest your money, just drop an email and I'll give you my personal guarantee that you too can be a "hundred-aire!"

How's the Mandarin?
Very thoughtful of you to inquire. Hen Hao...that's very good! Yep, I'm chuggin' along. Last week we learned how to say different foods, so this week we'll have to say what foods we like to eat. Hopefully I can get the words "water" and "speak" correct (there's a very subtle pronunciation difference between them). Actually, my Dad is going to China in a few weeks, so I've got a whole year to perfect my language skills and next year I'll tag along on his business trip as an "interpreter." Hey, you gotta have a goal right!

How's your Dad.
Awesome! Went to Toronto this past weekend for my Dad's appointment with the docs. All systems go (although, those medical drawings are something else - WOW!) He's going to have his treatment sometime in May, so will go home for the surgery for sure. More deets soon. Thanks for all the "positivitude" it's totally working!

How's Rich.
Ahhhh he's good...workin' hard at getting South of the Border. Will keep you posted. Keep sending the good vibes, hopefully some good news coming soon!

How's Happy?
With a lifestyle that includes a little over 23 hours of sleep a day, I'd say he's aptly named!

Thanks for all your great questions. Any more, just leave a comment.

More chats soon,