Thursday, December 6, 2007

Oh what a night

To say the least. Holy crap. So I wake up at 4AM with this WICKED pain in my leg and tingly, numbness down the entire limb – it’s bad enough that I can’t go back to sleep. Hmmm. Being a spaz I start thinking of all these horrible scenarios (blood clots that cause my entire leg to turn purple, having a stroke, heart attack…you name it). Did I mention I’m a spaz?

So…I deceide to take a wee trip to the emergency room. Jess is in town and was my fearless advisor (even offered to tag along…what a peach) but didn’t want to torture her with stinky homeless people and gun shot victims, so I did this one solo.

Tests, pokes, prods and 4 hours later I’m dismissed with a clean bill of health (and still a bum leg). No answers, but a prescription for Vicodin. Cool.

Have an appointment with my (now) doctor Thursday (yes, that’s a week away, oh well). So hopefully it’s nothing too major. Just feels super weird. You now when someone isn’t right, and you didn’t do anything odd (like bash your leg against the table). All armchair docs are welcome to report their diagnosis in the comments section.

In other news…Ms Willis is in town. Good to see her. I’m so glad she’s cool with “entertaining herself” since in the past two days she’s been here I’m either at work or the hospital.

Yes, work is mental. SUPER FUN but mental. Looks like it’s gonna be like this till the holiday break. Will only make the week off sweeter.

Hope you’re well. Thanks for being patient with my sporadic posting schedule. I’ll try for everyday, but as you can see…it’s a bit of an uphill battle.

Talk soon
Gimmpy aka LisaC

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Really strange about the leg Lisa....armchair diagnosis...maybe it's restless leg syndrome? Ever heard of that? Hopefully your new real doc will be able to figure it out...until then - hope it goes away!