Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Cha Ching. Sounds like Christmas!

Now that was mental. I just got back from my final Christmas shopping trip down Fifth Ave. Sweet Jebus…it’s CRAZY out there! They’re not just crowds of peeps…they’re swarms! And they don’t move independently, they flow together. So if you’re going in the opposite direction you need to make like a salmon and start swimming upstream. Exhausting!

Good news, all my shopping is done. Now just gotta figure out how I can smuggle import this stuff across the border. At least they’re Canadian customs guys. I always feel a bit more comfortable when I’m “homeward bound.” Not that the Yankee Guys are all that difficult (I mean, they only refused my visa once, deported me, frisk me every time I cross and give me the stinky eye every now and again). Really, we’re best pals!

To all of you who haven’t finished your shopping yet. No need to stress…there’s plenty of time before the 25th and I’m here to help.

LisaC’s list of Christmas Kickass!

Now we all have that completely impossible person on our lists (Dad). So if you’re still stuck with what the buy them, here’s an idea that’ll be exciting when you open it and (depending on metabolism) a few days later. Edible gold. Why? Because it passes right through you and makes your poop sparkly. Honestly, do you need a better reason? BUY NOW

For the political freak on your list (US that is) give them the gift that every Republican or Democrat has on their list – a Bush or Hillary toilet brush. Good clean, dirty fun…or something like that. BUY NOW

Ok this next one...I just REALLY want. Rock Band. If you don't know, you DON'T KNOW! File this one under awesome! BUY NOW

Have a great holiday ya'll. Tomorrow, last official work day (for me at least) of 2007. Bring on da holidays!!!


1 comment:

Silk E. Fyne said...

It's stink eye, not stinky eye. The sparkly poo gift idea...kinda of gross, but definitely original. Yeah we totally fucked up on Rock Band, one of us should have been on point when it first came out. Oh well.