Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Boooo Internet

I was gonna put up this post yesterday, but just as I finished typing my Internet connection went the way of the dodo bird. Booooo. SO...apologies this is late (it TECHNICALLY isn't, but that's between me and my ISP!) hehehehe

Here it is...the day that was yesterday!

O.k. so I did it. I called my landlord. Breathe in. Breathe out. I’m freaking out cause my down the hall neighbour is convinced that MY neighbours are running a brothel out of their apartment. Ahhhhh. Of course this is me…Ms. Spazzy and the last thing I need is more fuel for the paranoid fire. Geez…Thankfully my landlord is on the case and he’s going to take care of things. Yippee!!! So if you don’t see a post for a few days…then please come by and check my place. I’ll probably be tied to a radiator, gagged and forced to watch Telemundo.

Onto happier topics. Jess was in town over the weekend. Good times. Went to my friend Hamilton’s birthday do on Friday, which lead to karaoke and you know what comes after that…a HUGE HANGOVER! Got home at 5:00AM. SERIOUSLY!? Was an awesome night, but I paid for it (perhaps a side effect of turning 30…no stamina).Me and Birthday Boy! (good times Hamilton...thanks!)

The rest of the weekend we ran around, shopped, chilled, shared conspiracy theories about my neighbours (thanks for being patient Jess) and shopped some more. All in all, a great visit. Thanks for droppin’ in sista!

Last night, more fun and merriment. There was a little get together for my team at the Big O. Very fun. So wicked to see the peeps you work with OUTSIDE of these crimson walls. Everyone had a blast. And there’s more fun to come. Tomorrow night, I get to booze with my account peeps (awesome) cause I don’t really know them very well. Ya gotta love social lubricant (dear God…I’m already regretting writing that word…why must it be so foul?!)Where we were supposed to go (a French Bavarian Bar called Rolf's. Apparently it looks like the insides of a Christmas tree...but this is how they do it up around "holiday" time). And're not having a seizure. Do NOT adjust your set!

Then next week is the company Christmas party – sure to be a hoot (no…seriously!) I’m looking forward to see how the Yanks do up the “festive holiday party.”

Not much more to tell. Will let you know if I wake up with a horses head or something (from my neighbours!)

Thoughts. Comments. Suggestions. Always open here at lisacinnyc.

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