Monday, April 21, 2008

I heart Porter

OMG...flew in this morning (yes, the horrible bags that are Monday am...and I'm not talking about my luggage). BUT it was a much more pleasant experience.

1. The plane was *gasp* ON TIME!
Seriously, that NEVER happens...ask any New Yorker, hell, any traveller going through the US, they'll stand in aww or accuse you of lying. Either way, you've got a story to tell.

2. They give you FOOD!
Pinch yourself people...this morning I got a little snack pack that contained yogurt, granola and a apple cinnamon turnover so loaded with sugar I could have run that prop plane myself. OH and at night, they give you free booze. Talk about flying the friendly skies! And no pathetic plastic cups (but of course sir) and a whole can or beer if you wish. Boooyah!

3. They're ACTUALLY nice!
Again, what I thought only existed in movies about flying (and usually those involve some horrible plane crash). Everyone was UBER friendly. From the "waitresses in the sky" to the service staff in Newark, awesome peeps.

4. The Lounge - RAD!
It was like chillin out in a biz'ness class lounge, without paying the biz'ness fair! Sweet. Free coffee, tea, juice, water, cookies, cakes...the list was endless. OH and don't forget the free wifi, use of their computers, papers, massages, being fanned with palm frawns (ok I made those last two up, but I swear someone would have ACTUALLY done it had I asked!)

Rejoice people...travelling is not dead, it just moved to the Toronto Island Airport. Thank you Mr. Porter for bring civility and affordability back to the airline industry. Now everyone book your ticket - when a deal is this good it's either a dream, or on the brink of bankruptcy!

Hurry - BUY NOW!

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