Friday, December 14, 2007

Should I be worried?

One of the greatest things about living in the 212 is laundry – specifically having other people do it for you. Seriously. Just bring your skivies to the laundry matt (or if you’re REALLY lazy someone can come pick it up for you) they wash, fold and give it right back. Fabric softener, hang dry, low heat, warm wash…whatever tickles your towels, they’ll do it for you happily.

Here lies my issue. I picked up my laundry last night. (being a wee bit neurotic I make laundry time slightly more complicated. I frequent one place for cold water wash and another for warm as I’m convinced the warm place does everything on scalding since everything I get back is always shrunk. Not a move for pants – since the first time it happened I thought I was going to have to go on some horrible fad diet and seek emotional counseling for my dramatic weight gain. Not cute!)

But I digress. Last night was “cold place” clothes. Now, they have a policy that all your items are laundered by themselves and not “shared” with other peeps. NATURALLY, you can imagine my surprise when I found SOMEONE ELSES undies mixed in with my unmentionables. Specifically it was a rogue sock and some other chick’s underwear (relax, it’s all clean). But still…what the hell do I do now? Return the errand items back to the laundry matt? Hold onto them? Throw them out? How was this not made it into a Seinfeld episode?

Thoughts? Suggestions…please add a comment.

Tonight, Ricko is in town (yippee) and we have NOTHING planned (double yippee). Looking forward to spending a relaxing weekend together (2 weeks apart is not good for the soul).

Hope your weekend is just as enjoyable.
Stay warm and we’ll chat on Monday.


Rob said...

Socks disappear all the time in the laundry but it seems to me that you're ahead not only a sock and a tidy pair from this escapade. Quit why the quitting is good. You hit the jackpot!

Silk E. Fyne said...

It's the laundry place's fault that you got some next chick's drawers, not yours. In my opinion you don't have to do anything, unless they are La Perla or some other expensive brand, in which case you should try to bring them back, but if they are some crappy cotton Fruit of the Loom joints she probably won't even notice they are missing. LOL! Miss ya.