Wednesday, February 6, 2008

I Play Art Director's CRAZY! Fun...I'm helpin' out my partner...she's nutty swamped, so I offered to make copy edits in layout. And then I went mental. Started updating legal, changing button copy, sidebar stuff. I am a full on, wanna be, photoshop jockey! Black turtle necks and thick plastic rimmed glasses will be coming soon!

It's kind of like when I thought I was a programmer (which consisted of me stealing HTML code and then just updating the stuff between the " ") Yep, I built the internet!

Other stuff...just found out my pal Calvin will be in town this weekend. Kewl. So's Rich. Awesome...could be the BWE - that's Best Weekend Ever!

OMG...need to go home (still playing AD at work). Man, I can't wait till I get to play CD sometime! Neat-a-roonie!


1 comment:

dondy said...

I hear yah sista.

Playing AD is super fun! Specially if you have a designer that you work with and then you can say phrases like, "Can you move that 2 pixels down, yeah that's it!" or oldies like, "Can you adjust the kerning a little bit so it looks happier!"

Oh what fun...