Friday, November 2, 2007

Bad Blogger

Oops...missed yesterday and a wee bit late in writing today. Sorry about that. It seems like the powers that be here at the Big O have found me and piled on the work, so my dear readers, I've been a tad neglectful. Sorry. Enough groveling, onto the recap at hand.

Halloween in NYC is extra spooky, I'm I'm not just talking about the crazy shooting at Union Square (I'm getting used to hearing about stuff like that on the news, seems like I'm "fitting in.") No, what I'm REALLY talking about, is the bizarre way kids trick or treat here.

As you can imagine, there aren't too many "houses" in Manhattan. So where are the kids supposed to go for candy? The local stores and restaurants of course! Yep, on my walk home Wednesday night I saw all these kiddies going into Bodgega's (that's the "technical" term for corner stores around here) and restaurants, clothing stores, EVERYWHERE. And the best part, the shop owners werre THRILLED to see them. It was so darn cute!

Yesterday, in an effort to clear the piles of work from my feeble brain, I took a wee walk to Rockefeller Centre at lunch (yes, that's a PURPOSEFUL "re" I will write in Yankee style for work...but here, it's Canuck the whole way!)They brough the Ocean Spray Cranberry campaign to life, complete with cranberry bog, talent from the TV spot and plenty o' samples of juice and dried berries. Lots of fun. I love seeing those marketing budgets come to l life.

This weekend back to the T dot, thanks to my good pals at Continental (not a plug, but if Mr.Continental would like to sponsor this blog you COULD be the official carrier of LisaCinNYC. Think about it!) Anyway, crazy last minute special that I scooped up. So will delight you with tales of Guitar Hero on Monday (having a wee do on Saturda y I think) Goo d times.

Hope you're well. Will (hopefully) start working on that book this weekend (by this weekend I mean on the plane, where I do all my most productive efforts!) hehehe

Talk soon,

P.S. Yankee'Giving (my new name for US Thanksgiving...gets too confusing when you just say Thanksgiving) is coming up. Got any great recipe or holiday ideas? Share them with your fellow readers and make a post in the comments section.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have a good Guitar Hero weekend. And I sooo want to read that "Hack" book - I've checked out her blog - so cool.