Monday, November 5, 2007

The boring post

I always hate starting a post with "Sorry I didn't write but...excuse, excuse, excuse." This is the part where Rich would normally chim in saying something to the effect of, "You're weak Charlebois...WEAK!" But in my defense, I DID wake up at 4:15AM, get onto a plane at 6:00, land at 7:45 then get onto a train at 8:34, into a cab at 9:00 and into work at 9:35. So yeah, a bit of a day yesterday. And really, nothing overly dramatic happened anyway. So it's like you missed much!

The weekend - well, I got a SUPER last minute, dirt cheap ticket home and had a wee Guitar Hero night with Keri, Keith and Mark (sorry, it would have been bigger, if I were a better planner) So will start posting my schedule of "home trips" here, so then we can figure out when we can hook up (cause so far I haven't been too stellar with it)
GH was WICKED! Seriously, if I get canned (hopefully that's not in the near future) I'm going to become a "pro" Guitar Hero. Although I got nothing on Keri and her high kicks action. SWEET!
Sunday - well, that was just a day. Rich had to work (booo) and so did I (double boo) BUT was kind of nice having that sense of noramlcy in our lives.

Monday - well, we're pretty much covered on that one.

Tuesday - more work, more meetings. I'm certainly feelin' the O vibe. Gettin' used to things (even have my "review" on Thursday...should be interesting since I haven't actually WORKED here all that long, but it's just that lucky time of year).

Then back home again this weekend (yes, third one in a row...thankfully get a repreave after that). Richard's folks are in town so will catch up with them.

Geez, just realized this is a horribly boring post. I'm so sorry. How's this, I'll think of something a wee bit more "philisophical" for the next one (maybe even later today to make up for the poor showing yesterday). And try to pep up the boringness of my everyday life (it's also raining outside, which makes for extra poopy posting).

Right, onwards and upwards (hehehehhe)
talk soon
Lisa C

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