Wednesday, November 14, 2007


OK I"ll admit it, I'm a wee bit excited about sitting in front of my wee little TV set and enjoyed a plentiful 3 hours worth of quality programming. (God bless my free cable!) The fun begins with ANTM (in case you're not as much of an addict as I am...that's short for America's Next Top Model). Yes, it's drivel and yes, I don't care. The silliness, the anorexia, I love it all.

9:00 is kind of my interlude, that's when Gossip Girl starts. Also another highly entertaining CW contribution, but not on my "Must See" list, but have enjoyed tuning in when I can. If you haven't watched it, it's Hollywood's version of New York City (as told through the eyes of some seriously rich little twits). But it does make me giggle, especially when they do such impossible things, like open a cab door into oncoming traffic (a death sentence if I've ever seen one).

THEN...10:00 is when the REALLY big show starts. Project Runway. CAN'T WAIT!!! Man, LOVE that program. I like to think that when I'm addicted to reality shows that actually require some SKILL it's a wee bit more respectable than the other crap out there (sorry to all you other crap watchers). Hopefully will be just as entertaining as the previous seasons.

So that's it, my sad little world of work, sleep and TV. What can I say, I'm living the New York dream (heheheh). YanksGiving is just around the corner. Looking forward to going home (shouldn't you get BETTER with homesickness the older you get?) And yes, that leads us to our next subject...AGE! I'm looking down the slippery slope to 30. I know...still young...I shouldn't complain ( this is NOT an official greivance...yet). But it is a bit freaky to have to change BOTH numbers. I've been so comfortable with that "2" at the begining of my age for so long, to have to notch up to a 3 is gonna take some practice. At least I've still got a few weeks to get my head around it. Will keep you posted.

Stevie Wonder concert this weekend, and Rich is coming into town, so I promise some fun NY stories soon (I fear they've been sadly lacking lately...sorry).

Oh, one little piece of news. I saw Chris Rock the other day...AT WORK!? Yeah, he walked right into the big O and past me in the hallway, very bizarre. Might start a running tally of all the celebs I've seen so far (which really isn't that many, unless you count Nick from Project Runway Season 2 - I think I saw him on the street). Anyway, will keep my eyes peeled.

Coolness...get the popcorn ready, it's gonna be an EPIC night of nothingness!!!

Talk soon,


Anonymous said...

Hey Lisa,

I'm with you on Project Runway. Tim Gunn is my boy crush.


Anonymous said...

Oh Come on Lisa, gossip girl is WAYYYY better than the review you've given it. Long live TV. mel