Monday, September 24, 2007

I need the Internet at home

So sorry I haven't written sooner. Man...if i had the INTERNET at home I could write you ALL DAY about my adventures (or just the TV shows I watched) either way...there'd be communication. Instead we're backlogged and have LOTS to catch up on. And even MORE bad news...I don't have time to do it now (got briefed on a new campaign for Six Flags, well...most like we have to COME UP with the new campaign for Six Flags. So yeah, a wee bit stressful) seeing as it's due Thursday!

Uuggghhh's pics of Glyin's $300+ hotel room (and yes, that's a single bed!) I'd say it was around 150 square feet...SERIOUSLY! The shower also doubles as a toilet and a sink...all in one space. MENTAL!

Like I said...I'll elaborate further on this and other adventures soon. Right now...I got some brands to build (hehehehe)

Lisa C

1 comment:

Unknown said...

For the love of GOD!!! GET INTERNET AT HOME :)