Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Ogilvy - Day Two

Here it is...officially day two and so far, so good. I know where my office is (yes I get an office) and I know where the ladies room is, so really, I'm ready to start work. That's the only thing I HAVEN'T gotten around to yet. NO WORK! Uugghhh, how I hate the first few days, weeks, months of a new job. There's never enough stuff to go, then you don't want to be pestering your new bosses TOO much, and you're still trying to figure out who you talk to about what. ANNOYING. It's the period where I wish I could just fast-forward two months and be into the thick of it. Oh well...

Good news, the people are really cool. My new ACD's took me (and another new hire) for our "first lunch" yesterday. Yeah, nearly forgot, another writer started on Monday so we've been helping each other out (mostly making sure the other one doesn't feel COMPLETELY alone, seeing as everyone is having meetings and lunch dates and WORK...and we just surf the web and write in our blogs (also fun...especially when you're getting paid to do it...but I can't help but wish I had a BIT of billable work to do). I know...it'll come soon enough!

Hmmm, what else. Oh I don't exactly know who my new partner is. I kee pthinking it's the art director that sits beside me but then in our status meeting, another writer PROUDLY stated that HE was her partner. Hmmm, interesting. Hey, it's not like I'm working on anything...so I can afford to kill a bit of time on my own!

More excitement when it happens. But to all the Ogilvy Toronto peeps (if ya'll are reading) the offices are BIG...the people, so far pretty chill. The work...well...see above!

Talk soon,
Lisa C

1 comment:

dondy said...

I hope you get someone like Mark to partner with. Oh let us know when you are going for coffee and we can go too... I mean here but we can go at the same time :)