Friday, September 21, 2007


Happy Friday Folks. Here it is...the LDWW (or Lisa's Daily Walk-to-Work). No naked people. No crazy mugers, just a pleasant, sunny Friday morning in NYC. I'm not gonna lie. My entusiasm today is a wee bit low, what I thought were allergies have matasticised into a full blown cold, a HEAD COLD at that. Uugghh. Send chicken soup...please. Hopefully an afternoon of sleeping is just what the doctor ordered (yes the new folks here at the big O are sweet enough to give me the afternoon off. Bless them). Just gotta do a 1:00 brief (for some general Six Flags that should kickass!) and then I'm free to curl up and pout.

But before ALL THAT, let's experience the LDWW (wow, a lot of build up. I hope it's not TOO anti-climatic).
We start in my apartment building (sorry, not INSIDE my apartment, it's a TOTAL mess and void of any pictures or organization or anything for that matter, so please, let me get some stuff in it looks a little less serial killer'esque and then I'll take some pics!) Rich is in town this weekend, so he'll be my model for most shots!My Apartment Building (or at least most of it...Jonah I need your styly' photography skills).
Yes, I realize I took this pic directly INTO the sun, not the most clever photography technique...but it IS my street (don't worry, I'll take better shots later, maybe an evening.

This is 9th Ave. I realize that in the second picture the world is slightly tilted. I assure you this is just the photographer in need of coffee and has no real-time reflection of the world's axis tilting here in Manhattan.

The BIG O!

Last but definately not least, the most important part of the coffee! Ahhh, Bless You mighty Starbucks. And incase you're's a Grande Non-Fat, Extra-Hot, Mild Misto. Umm Umm Good!

There you have it, the LDWW. More exciting (or just maybe more...) posts to come. I have pictures of a 150square fooot hotel room that my friend Glynis was staying in (for $300 a night) and will posts pics of my friend's wedding that I'm attending this weekend in Central Park. Good times! Till then...have a great weekend and send Benadryl!
Lisa C


Anonymous said...

Well it's certainly more exciting than my KDSR (kathy's daily subway ride). Stupid question - what exactly is "misto"? I'm too intimidated to ask at Starbucks....

Clover said...

For the love of...

...can't you come and get me before you guys all go for coffee? I was, like, waiting in my office.